The following are the general principles of the privacy policy of Consalad's Joody service.

Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

Joody will not use your personal information beyond the scope notified in this Article, except with your consent or in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. The purpose of using the collected personal information is as follows.

Items and Methods of Collecting Personal Information

  1. Items of personal information collected

The personal information that Joody collects is divided into items that are required for the user to use the service and items that are optional.

  1. Required items: phone number, PW, content usage history, answers to questions, device identification value
  2. optional items: email address, membership number (in case of social integration), etc.

Joody does not collect sensitive personal information (such as race and ethnicity, ideas and beliefs, national origin and place of residence, political opinions, criminal records, health status, and sexual life) that may violate your basic human rights.